20/01091/CLE Old Forge Cottage Great Washbourne Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
Lawful Development Certificate (Existing) for the use of land as residential garden (Use Class C3) associated with the dwelling known as Old Forge Cottage for a continuous period in excess of 10 years
20_01091_CLE Old Forge Cottage Great Was[…]
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Lawful Development Certificate (Existing) for the use of land as residential garden (Use Class C3) associated with the dwelling known as Old Forge Cottage for a continuous period in excess of 10 years
20_01091_CLE Old Forge Cottage Great Was[…]
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20/01117/FUL Teachers Cottage Main Street Dumbleton Evesham
The construction of 3 x buildings to provide business startup and small workshop space along with associated infrastructure.
20_01117_FUL Teachers Cottage Main Stree[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.7 KB]
The construction of 3 x buildings to provide business startup and small workshop space along with associated infrastructure.
20_01117_FUL Teachers Cottage Main Stree[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.7 KB]
20/00874/FUL Saberton Farm Beckford Road Dumbleton Evesham
The construction of 3 x buildings to provide business startup and small workshop space along with associated infrastructure.
20_00874_FUL Saberton Farm Beckford Road[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [120.4 KB]
The construction of 3 x buildings to provide business startup and small workshop space along with associated infrastructure.
20_00874_FUL Saberton Farm Beckford Road[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [120.4 KB]
20/01102/TCA Pelargonium St Peters Lane Dumbleton Gloucestershire
T1: Ginkgo Reduce by 1-2m and shape. T2 Conifer x 3 @ front Reduce by 1-2m and trim. T3 Sycamore in back garden Crown thin. T4 Lime Reduce by 1-2m and shape. T5 Apple Reduce by 40% and shape
20_01102_TCA Pelargonium St Peters Lane […]
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T1: Ginkgo Reduce by 1-2m and shape. T2 Conifer x 3 @ front Reduce by 1-2m and trim. T3 Sycamore in back garden Crown thin. T4 Lime Reduce by 1-2m and shape. T5 Apple Reduce by 40% and shape
20_01102_TCA Pelargonium St Peters Lane […]
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20/01078/FUL Oldbury Dairy Lane Dumbleton Evesham
Demolition of existing garage, erection of a single storey rear extension and replacement doors and windows.
20_01078_FUL Oldbury Dairy Lane Dumbleto[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.6 KB]
Demolition of existing garage, erection of a single storey rear extension and replacement doors and windows.
20_01078_FUL Oldbury Dairy Lane Dumbleto[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.6 KB]
20/00996/TCA Rose Cottage Main Street Dumbleton Evesham
Yew (T1) – Crown lift all approx 4 metres etc
20_00996_TCA Rose Cottage Main Street Du[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.6 KB]
Yew (T1) – Crown lift all approx 4 metres etc
20_00996_TCA Rose Cottage Main Street Du[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.6 KB]
20/00971/PDSOL Albutt LTD Great Washbourne Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
Installation of solar panels on South West and North East facing roof lines.
20_00971_PDSOL Albutt LTD Great Washbour[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [117.1 KB]
Installation of solar panels on South West and North East facing roof lines.
20_00971_PDSOL Albutt LTD Great Washbour[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [117.1 KB]
20/00946/FUL Old School House Great Washbourne Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
Erection of a single storey rear orangery
20_00946_FUL Old School House Great Wash[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [120.4 KB]
Erection of a single storey rear orangery
20_00946_FUL Old School House Great Wash[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [120.4 KB]
20/00865/TCA – Granary St Peters Lane Dumbleton Gloucestershire
20 ft (apx) Sorbus/Hornbeam fell as too close to a)cultivated
garden area b) species tree (weeping birch).
20_00865_TCA Granary St Peters Lane Dumb[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [75.4 KB]
20 ft (apx) Sorbus/Hornbeam fell as too close to a)cultivated
garden area b) species tree (weeping birch).
20_00865_TCA Granary St Peters Lane Dumb[…]
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20/00735/TCA – 5 Main Street Dumbleton Evesham Gloucestershire
T1: Norway Spruce: Remove to ground level, Re-plant with a smaller
20_00735_TCA 5 Main Street Dumbleton Eve[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.9 KB]
T1: Norway Spruce: Remove to ground level, Re-plant with a smaller
20_00735_TCA 5 Main Street Dumbleton Eve[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.9 KB]
20/00727/TPO – The Wicket House Dairy Lane Dumbleton Evesham
T1: Crown clean internal growth and crown thin/ weight reduction on
outer canopy by 10-15%. Remove ivy off base of trunk.
20_00727_TPO The Wicket House Dairy Lan[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.8 KB]
T1: Crown clean internal growth and crown thin/ weight reduction on
outer canopy by 10-15%. Remove ivy off base of trunk.
20_00727_TPO The Wicket House Dairy Lan[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.8 KB]
20/00726/TCA – Stonelee Blacksmiths Lane Dumbleton Evesham
T1: Conifers x 2: Remove to ground level overpowering and making
the garden dark and too shady. T2: Silver birch: Reduce by 4-6 ft and reshape to maintain them and keep them a nice shape. T3: Mountain ash: Remove to ground level its growing underneath the silver birch and is not a strong tree.
20_00726_TCA Stonelee Blacksmiths Lane […]
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T1: Conifers x 2: Remove to ground level overpowering and making
the garden dark and too shady. T2: Silver birch: Reduce by 4-6 ft and reshape to maintain them and keep them a nice shape. T3: Mountain ash: Remove to ground level its growing underneath the silver birch and is not a strong tree.
20_00726_TCA Stonelee Blacksmiths Lane […]
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20/00725/TCA – Magnolia House Main Street Dumbleton Evesham
T1: Small wild cherry: Remove as canopy is dying back and its in poor
health, it is compromising better trees to grow on. T2: Small oak: Remove due to
compromising better trees and growing to close to house. Replant with a better tree in new
20_00725_TCA Magnolia House Main Street […]
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T1: Small wild cherry: Remove as canopy is dying back and its in poor
health, it is compromising better trees to grow on. T2: Small oak: Remove due to
compromising better trees and growing to close to house. Replant with a better tree in new
20_00725_TCA Magnolia House Main Street […]
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20/00643/TCA – 2 The Old Rectory Main Street Dumbleton Evesham
T1: Walnut behind the play house: Reduce crown by 6-8 ft and
20_00643_TCA 2 The Old Rectory Main Str[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [74.6 KB]
T1: Walnut behind the play house: Reduce crown by 6-8 ft and
20_00643_TCA 2 The Old Rectory Main Str[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [74.6 KB]
20/00642/TCA – Greenway Dairy Lane Dumbleton Evesham
Reduce beechnut tree to reduce shade, remove Yew tree as causing
damage to fence, reduce Prunus to try to retain as has fungal disease if this fails the carry
out removal.
20_00642_TCA Greenway Dairy Lane Dumblet[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [116.5 KB]
Reduce beechnut tree to reduce shade, remove Yew tree as causing
damage to fence, reduce Prunus to try to retain as has fungal disease if this fails the carry
out removal.
20_00642_TCA Greenway Dairy Lane Dumblet[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [116.5 KB]
20/00582/TCA – The Wellow Dairy Lane Dumbleton Evesham
Ash Trees – T1, reduce crown by 2 meters and shape. T2,
remove to ground level. T3, reduce crown by 2 meters and
shape. T4, remove to ground level
20_00582_TCA The Wellow Dairy Lane Dumb[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [75.9 KB]
Ash Trees – T1, reduce crown by 2 meters and shape. T2,
remove to ground level. T3, reduce crown by 2 meters and
shape. T4, remove to ground level
20_00582_TCA The Wellow Dairy Lane Dumb[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [75.9 KB]
20/00567/FUL Bank Farm Barns Main Street Dumbleton Evesham
Conversion of existing building into two self-catering holiday let units
20_00567_FUL Bank Farm Barns Main Street[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [117.3 KB]
Conversion of existing building into two self-catering holiday let units
20_00567_FUL Bank Farm Barns Main Street[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [117.3 KB]
20/00266/FUL Barn At Wormington Farm Main Street Wormington Broadway
Demolition of existing agricultural building and erection of pair of two storey semi-detached dwellings and associated single storey detached building used for vehicular parking, and provision of associated vehicular parking and turning area
20_00266_FUL Barn At Wormington Farm Mai[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.7 KB]
Demolition of existing agricultural building and erection of pair of two storey semi-detached dwellings and associated single storey detached building used for vehicular parking, and provision of associated vehicular parking and turning area
20_00266_FUL Barn At Wormington Farm Mai[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.7 KB]
20/00179/FUL Doe House Main Street Dumbleton Evesham
Replacement of No.4 windows on the front elevation and the retention of No.1 first floor window on the front elevation
20_00179_FUL Doe House Main Street Dumbl[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [119.0 KB]
Replacement of No.4 windows on the front elevation and the retention of No.1 first floor window on the front elevation
20_00179_FUL Doe House Main Street Dumbl[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [119.0 KB]
20/00450/LBC Manor Farm Main Street Wormington Broadway
Conversion of existing agricultural buildings into 1 no. dwelling and associated internal and external alterations, and provision of associated private residential garden area and vehicular driveway, parking and turning areas
20_00450_LBC Manor Farm Main Street Worm[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.6 KB]
Conversion of existing agricultural buildings into 1 no. dwelling and associated internal and external alterations, and provision of associated private residential garden area and vehicular driveway, parking and turning areas
20_00450_LBC Manor Farm Main Street Worm[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.6 KB]
20/00477/FUL Sherridan Cottage Main Street Dumbleton Evesham
Erection of a two storey rear extension, first floor side extension, open timber frame porch and detached garage. Relocation of existing sunroom and conservatory
20_00477_FUL Sherridan Cottage Main Stre[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [117.9 KB]
Erection of a two storey rear extension, first floor side extension, open timber frame porch and detached garage. Relocation of existing sunroom and conservatory
20_00477_FUL Sherridan Cottage Main Stre[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [117.9 KB]
20/00448/LBC Manor Farm Cottages Great Washbourne Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
Demolition and reconstruction of chimney
20_00448_LBC Manor Farm Cottages Great […]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.5 KB]
Demolition and reconstruction of chimney
20_00448_LBC Manor Farm Cottages Great […]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.5 KB]
20/00447/FUL Manor Farm Cottages Great Washbourne Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
Demolition and reconstruction of chimney
20_00447_FUL Manor Farm Cottages Great W[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [119.0 KB]
Demolition and reconstruction of chimney
20_00447_FUL Manor Farm Cottages Great W[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [119.0 KB]
20/00325/PIP Land Off Beckford Road Great Washbourne Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
Erection of up to 2 no. dwellings
20_00325_PIP Land Off Beckford Road Grea[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [73.6 KB]
Erection of up to 2 no. dwellings
20_00325_PIP Land Off Beckford Road Grea[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [73.6 KB]
20/00286/FUL Manor Farm Main Street Wormington Broadway
Conversion of existing agricultural buildings into 1 no. dwelling and associated external alterations, and provision of associated private residential garden area and vehicular driveway, parking and turning areas
20_00286_FUL Manor Farm Main Street Worm[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [122.1 KB]
Conversion of existing agricultural buildings into 1 no. dwelling and associated external alterations, and provision of associated private residential garden area and vehicular driveway, parking and turning areas
20_00286_FUL Manor Farm Main Street Worm[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [122.1 KB]
20/00248/TCA – Dumbleton Hall Hotel Dairy Lane Dumbleton Evesham
Lime tree – fell to ground level
20_00248_TCA Dumbleton Hall Hotel Dairy[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.2 KB]
Lime tree – fell to ground level
20_00248_TCA Dumbleton Hall Hotel Dairy[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [118.2 KB]
20/00189/FUL The Hobnails Inn Little Washbourne Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
Erection of boundary wall and gates (Retrospective application)
20_00189_FUL The Hobnails Inn Little Was[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [121.6 KB]
Erection of boundary wall and gates (Retrospective application)
20_00189_FUL The Hobnails Inn Little Was[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [121.6 KB]
20/00220/FUL Oak Ridge Dairy Lane Dumbleton Evesham
Erection of a single storey rear extension and single storey rear and side extension
20_00220_FUL Oak Ridge Dairy Lane Dumble[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [121.8 KB]
Erection of a single storey rear extension and single storey rear and side extension
20_00220_FUL Oak Ridge Dairy Lane Dumble[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [121.8 KB]
20/00045/TCA – Copper Beech Dairy Lane Dumbleton 4 Main Street
T1: Ash in Copper Beech garden. Remove and grind stump
due to it breaking the wall + fence between properties and
replace with a more suitable tree
20_00045_TCA Copper Beech Dairy Lane D[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [67.3 KB
T1: Ash in Copper Beech garden. Remove and grind stump
due to it breaking the wall + fence between properties and
replace with a more suitable tree
20_00045_TCA Copper Beech Dairy Lane D[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [67.3 KB